Lately I found my friends talking a lot about stress. Most had trouble winding down and getting a good nights sleep. Especially the last couple of years living with the pandemic appears to have increased the feeling of uneasiness. I could certainly relate.
Sometimes the fatigue never seems to leave the body and you feel as tired waking up as you were going to sleep.
Trying to flee an uneasy feeling by watching late night action movies, checking mobiles for news updates and texting late into the night, only increases tension, when instead our bodies long for rest. Most of us recognise this negative behaviour, yet still we do it.
I thought by adding something new and joyful to the environment where we come to rest, I could help enforce some peace.
Are meant for the spaces we come to in order to alleviate stress, wind down and relax. Something kind to rest your eyes upon, enable mindful moments and even facilitate a good nights sleep. Pictures with good energy, contemplation and joy. And you can always discover something new in them, should you feel so inclined.
These are the first first in the series; Pictures for a bedroom. I hope you will find a favourite among them and that it will further peace of mind and a good nights sleep.
1. Bellis perennis / Happy daisies : 40 x 50 cm
2. Tulipa Sylvestris / Dance with me: 35 x 52 cm
3. Rosa / kind loving words: 50 x 32 cm
4. Cirsium vulgare / swaying air coral 40 x 50 cm
5. Tulipa gesneriana / there are no blue tulips: 40 x 50 cm
All prints signed, limited edition 1-11
Print: Canson fine-art watercolour paper.
Price: 4 800 kr not including postage & packaging.
Please send me an e-mail or a DM here, for delivery details.